The photo exhibition presents a selection of the best shots taken for the second pan-European photo competition, organized by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA), by professional and amateur photographers who shared their point of view on to the issue of safety and health in the workplace. The competition focused on the theme of risk prevention, with the aim of highlighting how collaboration between employers and workers can help to prevent accidents and illnesses at work.
To give greater visibility to the initiative and to the photos selected at the most significant, among the 2,500 received from all over Europe, an exhibition was organized in all Member States entitled “Risk prevention”.
The exhibition, inaugurated in Italy in Rome at the INAIL headquarters of G. Pastore Square as Focal point of the European Agency, and currently located permanently at the headquarters of the Venice Institute, will be exceptionally exhibited at the Ducal Palace in Urbino on the first edition of the International Festival of Health and Safety at Work.